Rules for Creating a Vision Board: There are None.

Proverbs 29:18 tells us “where there is no vision, the people perish.” It is not only important to make goals, but to take the time to visualize them. Think about it. How many things do you create by hand before creating them in your mind, first? Visualization is a technique that is used commonly by psychologists to improve performance for a desired result. The process involves seeing the outcome, then simulating the steps of the process. For example, prior to a race, and especially during her training, an Olympic runner may visualize winning the race, as the outcome. She will also need to visually go through each of the steps from start to finish with as much detail as possible. There is a direct correlation between the amount of details in the visual images and the amount of connections between neurons that will increase motivation for performance toward the desired goal.

We must take the visualization technique a step further and memorialize on a Vision Board.

You will need: old magazines, newspaper, scissors, glue, poster/cork/foam board, and any other creative accents you desire.

There are no real rules when it comes to vision boards, except it should reflect what you want to see manifested. Because, vision boards should encourage action, motivational quotes may be helpful. If there are hobbies you would like to try, or places you have not visited, yet, don’t be afraid to add them to your vision (board). The board should inspire you. Also, because there are no rules, you can change out aspects of your board as often as you like, or create a new one when you feel the need.

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